Saturday, 12 February 2011

Launching soon — join us and see how much you can save

Most of us dream about the things we would love to do if only we could afford it. Times are tough at the moment and every penny counts. 
From almost every quarter we are bombarded with get rich quick schemes, supermarket special offers that claim to save us £££s, companies offering us consolidate your debt loan plans. The message seems to be spend more money to make savings.


Well, clear your head and consign all that nonsense to the bin where it belongs, because I have developed a method that will pay dividends in just one year.

 Follow my good dining plan and in just 12 months you will have over £3,000 extra in your pocket. And by all means go back and read that last sentence again.

And here’s the beauty of it – you do not have to work any harder, you do not have to find other ways to boost your income, you do not have to invest any extra money at all into this in order to make this £3,000 return. And it’s completely non taxable.

You can spend it how you wish – on that longed-for holiday, a down-payment on a new car. For £3,000, you could buy a television, surround sound system, iPod, iPad, laptop and desktop PCs for you and your family and still come home with change.

The key to this amazing way to make money is to focus not upon how much cash you are bringing in, but how much you are pushing out.

And the target of this rein on spending is simply this – food.

Go ahead and do this simple test. Take a look at your last big shop, find the itemised till receipt and add up all the items you used to feed you and your family dinners for the past week. Just dinners – not lunches and breakfasts and snacks.
Include in this sum the cost of your main meal of the day only and be honest with yourself. If you have a takeaway one or two nights of the week or go to a restaurant, include the cost.

Include also the cost of any seasoning, oils, herbs, flour etc that you use in the course of the week’s seven dinners, including everything you spend on the Sunday roast.

If one week’s bill works out at about £80 – that’s just £11.42 for a meal for four – then in just one year I will show you how to accumulate £3,000 for you to spend on whatever you want.

If your bill comes out more like £100, you will finish this project with an extra £4,000 to your name.

And even if you are shocked to discover that you spend more than £120 a week on dining – it happens – then you can look forward to having a £5,000 windfall.

Now, I will not be asking you to dramatically change your lifestyle. I will not ask you to seal envelopes, turn down the heating, take fewer journeys in your car or buy your food by haggling with market traders and wholesalers. I am not asking you to form co-operatives with groups of friends to make bulk-buying savings.

All I am asking you to do is to follow my blog and stick to the recipes within.

Because I am going to show you how you can feed a family of four, heartily and healthily, for seven days a week. I will show you how to make quick and easy meals that are not time-consuming or complicated for just 89p per serving.

Why not put aside a large jar or open a savings account so you can watch that money pile up, as week by week you find yourself putting more and more cash aside so you can spend it on yourself and your dreams?

Oh and here’s the punch line. It works. I know because I’ve tried it. I’ve done it. And I’m still doing it.

Now it’s your turn to stop making the supermarkets and television chefs rich. It’s your turn to make some serious cash. It’s your turn to put some power into your pocket.

My blog launches on Monday, March 7, 2011.

It is called Dining in for Less and can be found at:

Here you will find a daily recipe for a family dinner for four – plus the occasional dessert – along with a shopping list for the week’s meals and the approximate price the items can be bought at. There is also an area detailing the week’s menus so you can see in advance what meals you will be preparing. You can see the first week's menus and shopping list right now. Just click on the links to the right — Week 1 Menus and The First Shopping List.

There will be plenty of food to go round and you will be amazed at the prices and variety of groceries, vegetables and meats that can be bought.

Subscribe now – it’s free. And stay in touch and let me know how you’re doing.

Good luck.
Georgette Jarvis

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